Mitigating Safety & Risk for Children Affected by Parental Substance Use Disorders Involved in the Child Welfare System – Webinar
Join NCSACW’s upcoming webinar!
Mitigating Safety and Risk for Children Affected by Parental Substance Use Disorders
Involved in the Child Welfare System
Thursday | February 16, 2023 | 10-11am (PST) / 1-2pm (EST)
Register Now: NCSACW invites you to a webinar to learn about a collaborative approach to mitigate safety and risk factors for children affected by parental substance use disorders (SUDs).
Parental substance use disorders and co-occurring mental health challenges can create unique child safety and risk concerns. Child welfare professionals are tasked with identifying parental substance use, assessing the effect of substance use on children, and incorporating protective capacities and factors in safety planning. To meet the needs of both parents and their children, a collaborative approach with substance use treatment professionals and other service providers can strengthen safety planning to enhance child and family well-being.
Join this webinar to learn more about:
- Child welfare assessment of parental substance use as a safety or risk factor through standardized screening, examination of behavioral indicators, observations of the physical environment, and contact with other service providers
- Opportunities for substance use treatment professionals to partner with child welfare on safety planning with families affected by parental SUDs
- Collaborative strategies to support families’ efforts to overcome barriers to child safety and permanency while building parental capacities
Meet the Presenters:
Kim Bishop, M.S.W., LICSW: Deputy Program Director, National Center on Substance Abuse and Child Welfare
Ms. Bishop is the Deputy Program Director of Collaborative Technical Assistance with the Center for Children and Family Futures, the organization that holds the contract for the National Center on Substance Abuse and Child Welfare. In this role, she manages CCFF’s technical assistance (TA) response, oversees the development of written materials and products, develops, and presents highly specialized training curricula, and provides TA consultation to states, counties, tribes, and regions across the country to build organizational capacity. Ms. Bishop has 25 years of experience in both substance use disorder treatment and child welfare services. Ms. Bishop holds an M.S.W. from Boston University and a B.S. from the University of Connecticut.
Elizabeth Bullock, B.A.: Senior Program Associate, National Center on Substance Abuse and Child Welfare
Ms. Bullock currently serves as a Senior Program Associate with the Center for Children and Family Futures. In this capacity, she provides technical assistance to state and county child welfare jurisdictions, including the implementation of the Sobriety Treatment and Recovery Team (START) model. Ms. Bullock has expertise in the areas of child welfare, substance use disorders and recovery, leadership, trauma-informed care, and motivational interviewing. Ms. Bullock earned a B.A. in Psychology from Indiana University and has 15 years of direct practice and management experience in child welfare services.
Presenters will share new NCSACW resources on understanding safety and risk for parents with SUDs involved in the child welfare system.
Please submit your questions to presenters when you register for the session.
Registration is free.