WVRHA is Celebrating National Rural Health Day
WVRHA joins the National Organization of State Offices of Rural Health in celebrating National Rural Health Day.
NOSORH is hosting a live webinar at 2:00 pm to celebrate the 2021 Community Stars award winners. You can register by visiting this link Telling the Rural Star Stories – Power of Rural.
WVRHA invites you to post a photo highlighting the importance of everyone working in rural health in WV. Please tag us on Facebook @WVRuralHealthAssociation and use the following hashtags #powerofrural, #powerofruralWV, and #WVRuralHealth. Feel free to print out this poster to use as a prop in your photo.
Please join WVRHA in congratulating the 2021 WV Rural Health Awards Winners.
WVRHA is also excited to share access to one of the Keynote Presentations from the 2021 WV Rural Health Conference. The presentation by Dr. Michael Meit entitled “Health Equity, Poverty, and Rural Resilience” can be found at the link below.
Please save the date for the 2022 WV Rural Health Conference that will be held October 19-21, 2022 on the campus of WV School of Osteopathic Medicine in Lewisburg, WV.
Want to become involved with West Virginia Rural Health Association? You can join WVRHA by visiting: Become a Member – West Virginia Rural Health Association (wvrha.org). We also invite everyone to join one of our committees. Descriptions of the committees can be found at Join a Committee – WVRHA.
WVRHA extends a special thank you to WVSOM as our conference hosts for 2021 and 2022.