CMS is pleased to announce the release of a new toolkit: Increasing Access, Quality, and Equity in Postpartum Care in Medicaid and CHIP
CMS is pleased to announce the release of a new toolkit: Increasing Access, Quality, and Equity in Postpartum Care in Medicaid and CHIP
The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) is pleased to announce the release of a new Increasing Access, Quality, and Equity in Postpartum Care in Medicaid and CHIP: A Toolkit for State Medicaid and CHIP Agencies. This toolkit provides practical information to help state Medicaid and CHIP agencies maximize the use of existing authorities to increase postpartum care access, quality, and equity for Medicaid and CHIP beneficiaries. The toolkit also includes a strategy checklist and suggestions for partnering with Medicaid and CHIP managed care plans to implement quality improvement (QI) strategies.
CMS is committed to helping states and their partners improve postpartum care, which is an important part of the continuum of reproductive care across the life cycle. Care during the postpartum period involves not only a single postpartum visit but a series of visits beginning with the birthing event and transitioning to ongoing general health care. More than half of pregnancy-related deaths occur in the postpartum period, and 12 percent occur after six weeks postpartum. Medicaid and CHIP programs can engage in opportunities to improve postpartum care and work to eliminate preventable maternal mortality, severe maternal morbidity (SMM), and inequities.
For more information and resources to help states increase access, quality, and equity of postpartum care in Medicaid and Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP), please visit our Postpartum Care Quality webpage